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Notes for CNN for Visual Recongnition

notes for CNN for Visual Recongnition

Loss function

$L = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \sum_{j \neq y_i}$ max $(0, f_j(x_i, W) -f_{y_j}(x_i, W)+1)$+$\lambda R(W)$

In commom use:

  • L2 regularization $R(W) = \sum_k \sum_l W_{k,l}^2$
  • L1 regularization $R(W) = \sum_k \sum_l \vert W_{k,l} \vert$
  • Elastic net (L1+L2) $R(W) = \sum_k \sum_l \beta_1 W_{k,l}^2 + \beta_2 \vert W_{k,l} \vert$
  • Dropout: randomly set some neurons to zeros in the forward pass; force the network to have a redundant representation; need to scale at test time.

Loss function type:

  • Softmax $L_i = -log(\frac{e^{s_{y_j}}}{\sum_j e^{s_j}})$
  • SVM (hinge loss) $L_i = \sum_{j \neq y_j} max(0, s_j - s_{y_i} + 1)$

In practice: always use analytic gradient, but check implementation with numerical gradient. This is called gradient check.

Activation functions

  • Sigmoid $\sigma (x) = \frac{1}{(1+e^{-x})}$
    • saturated neurons “kill” the gradients
    • Sigmoid outputs are not zero-centered
    • exp() is a bit compute expensive
  • tanh(x)
    • squashes numbers to range [-1, 1]
    • zero centered
    • still kills gradients when saturated
  • ReLU ( Rectified Linear Unit) $f(x) = max(0, x)$
    • does not saturate
    • very computationally efficient
    • converges much faster than sigmoid/tanh in practice
    • not zero-centered output
  • Leaky ReLU $f(x) = max(\alpha x, x)$
    • does not saturate
    • computationally efficient
    • converges much faster than sigmoid/tanh in practice
    • will not “die”
  • Exponential Linear Units (ELU) $f(x) = x $ if $x > 0$; $f(x) = \alpha (exp(x) -1)$ if $x \le 0$
    • all benefits of ReLU
    • does not die
    • closer to zero mean outputs
    • computation requires exp()
  • Maxout “neuron” $max(w_1^T x + b_1, w_2^Tx+b_2)$
    • generalize ReLu and Leaky ReLU
    • linear regime, does not saturate, does not die
    • doubles the number of parameters

In practice

  • Use ReLU. Be careful with learning rates
  • Try out Leaky ReLU/ Maxout/ ELU
  • Try out tanh but do not expect much
  • Do not use sigmoid

Weight initilization

  • Small random numbers: works okay for small networks, but can lead non-homogeneous distributions of activations across the layers of a network
  • Xavier initilization

Batch normalization:

  • Improves gradient flow through the network
  • Allow higher learning rates
  • Reduces the strong dependence on initialization
  • Acts as a form of regularization

Hyperparameters to play with:

  • network architecture
  • learning rate, its decay schedule, update type
  • regularization

Step update

  • Gradient descent x += -learning_rate * dx
  • Momentum update
    • v = mu * v - learning_rate * dx # integrate velocity
    • x += v # integrate position
    • physical interpretation as ball rolling down the loss function + friction (mu coefficient)
    • mu = usually ~0.5, 0.9, or 0.99 (or annealed over time)
  • Nesterov momentum update
    • $ v_t = \mu v_{t-1} - \epsilon \nabla f(\theta_{t-1} + \mu \v_{t-1}) $
    • $ \theta t = \theta{t-1} + v_t$
    • use variable tansform
      • $ v_t = \mu v_{t-1} - \epsilon \nabla f(\phi)$
      • $\phi_t = \phi_{t-1} - \mu v_{t-1} + (1+\mu) v_t$
    • code
      • v_pre = v
      • v = mu * v -learning_rate * dx
      • x += -mu * v_prev + (1 + mu) * v
  • AdaGrad update
    • cache += dx**2
    • x += - learning_rate * dx / (np.sqrt(cache) + 1e-7)
    • added element-wise scaling of the gradient based on the historical sum of squares in each dimension
  • RMSProp update
    • cache = decay_rate * cache + (1 - decay_rate) * dx**2
    • x += - learning_rate * dx / (np.sqrt(cache) + 1e-7)
  • Adam update
    • m = beta1 * m + (1-beta1) * dx # update first moment
    • v = beta2 * v + (1-beta2) * (dx**2) # update second moment
    • mb = m/(1-beta1**t) # correct bias
    • vb = v/(1-beta2**t) # correct bias
    • x += -learning_rate * mb / (np.sqrt(vb) + 1e-7

Learning rate decay over time:

  • step decay: e.g. decay learning rate by half every few epochs
  • exponential decay: $\alpha = \alpha_0 e^{-kt}$
  • 1/t decay: $\alpha = \alpha_0 / (1+kt)$

Second order optimization methods:

  • second order Taylor: $J(\theta) = J(\theta_0) + (\theta-\theta_0)^T \nabla _{\theta}J(\theta_0) + \frac{1}{2} (\theta - \theta_0) ^T H (\theta - \theta_0)$
  • solve for critical point: $\hat{\theta} = \theta_0 - H^{-1} \nabla_{\theta} J(\theta_0)$
  • Quasi-Newton methods (e.g. BGFS): instead of inverting the Hessian, approximate inverse Hessian with rank 1 updates over time
  • L-BFGS (Limited memory BFGS): does not form/store the full inverse Hessian
    • usually works very well in full batch, deterministic code
    • does not transfer very well to mini-batch setting

In practice:

  • Adam is a good default choice in most cases
  • Try L-BFGS if can afford to do full batch updates

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

ConvNet is a sequence of Convolution Layers, interspersed with activation functions.

$f(x,y)*g(x,y) = \sum_{n_1 = -\infty}^{\infty} \sum_{n2=-\infty}^{\infty} f(n_1, n_2) g(x-n_1, y-n_2)$

The Conv Layer:

  • Accepts a volume of size $W_1 \times H_1 \times D_1$
  • Requires four hyperparameters:
    • Number of filters $K$,
    • their spatial extent $F$,
    • the stride $S$,
    • the amount of zero padding $P$.
  • Produces a volume of size $W_2 \times H_2 \times D_2$ where:
    • $W_2 = (W_1 - F + 2P)/S + 1$
    • $H_2 = (H_1 - F + 2P)/S + 1$ (i.e. width and height are computed equally by symmetry)
    • $D_2 = K$
  • With parameter sharing, it introduces $F \cdot F \cdot D_1$ weights per filter, for a total of $(F \cdot F \cdot D_1) \cdot K$ weights and $K$ biases.
  • In the output volume, the $d$-th depth slice (of size $W_2 \times H_2$) is the result of performing a valid convolution of the $d$-th filter over the input volume with a stride of $S$, and then offset by $d$-th bias.
  • Common settings: $F=3$, $S=1$, $P=1$.

Pooling layer:

  • make the representations smaller and more manageable
  • operates over each activation map independently

Generally, the pooling layer:

  • Accepts a volume of size $W_1 \times H_1 \times D_1$
  • Requires three hyperparameters:
    • their spatial extent $F$,
    • the stride $S$,
  • Produces a volume of size $W_2 \times H_2 \times D_2$ where:
    • $W_2 = (W_1 - F)/S + 1$
    • $H_2 = (H_1 - F)/S + 1$
    • $D_2 = D_1$
  • Introduces zero parameters since it computes a fixed function of the input
  • Note that it is not common to use zero-padding for Pooling layers
  • Common setting: $F = 2, S=2$; $F=3, S=2$.

How to stack convolutions:

  • Replace large convolutions (5x5, 7x7) with stacks of 3x3 convolutions
  • 1x1 “bottleneck” convolutions are very efficient
  • Can factor NxN convolutions into 1xN and Nx1
  • All of the above give fewer parameters, less compute, and more nonlinearity

Convolution Theorem: The convolution of f and g is equal to the elementwise product of their Fourier Transforms: $F(f * g) = F(f)F(g)$. Using the FFT, we can compute the DFT of an N-dimension vector in O(NlogN) time.

Implement convolutions FFT:

  • Compute FFT of weights: F(W)
  • Compute FFT of image: F(X)
  • Compute elementwise product: F(W)F(X)
  • Compute inverse FFT: $Y=F^{-1}(F(W)F(X))$


  • Semantic segmentation
    • classify all pixels
    • fully convolutional models, downsample then upsample
    • learnable upsampling: fractionally strided convolution
    • skip connections can help
  • Instance segmentation
    • detect instance, generate mask
    • similar pipelines to object detection


  • Soft attention:
    • easy to implement: produce distribution over input locations, reweight features and feed as input
    • attend to arbitrary input locations using spatial transformer networks
  • Hard attention:
    • attend to a single input location
    • cannot use gradient descent
    • need reinforcement learning

Unsupervised learning:

  • Autoencoders
    • Traditional: feature learning, reconstruct input, not used much anymore
    • Variational: generate samples, Bayesian meets deep learning
  • Generative adversarial networks: generate samples

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

$ h_t = f_w (h_{t-1}, x_t)$, where $h_t$ is new state, $h_{t-1}$ is old state, $f_w$ is some function with parameters $w$, $x_t$ is input vector at some time step.

Vanilla RNN

Software and Packages







